Oleg Skiba: from the bottom of my heart to all who study German

Oleg Skiba: from the bottom of my heart to all who study German

May 22, 2019 the library of GIIM received the DZVO "DDPU" 24 German textbooks «MenschenA 1.1. » as a gift from Oleg Skiby, a representative of the Bakhmut Diaspora in Germany. These authentic textbooks are compiled in accordance with the European guidelines for language education and taking into account the latest principles of language didactics, they are actively used in the educational process of European and Ukrainian higher education institutions, including the Goethe Institute, Ukraine.

Teachers of the German language section of the Department of Germanic Philology of the Faculty of Romance and Germanic languages and students of GIIM who study German are sincerely grateful Mr. Oleg Skiba for the opportunity to use these modern textbooks in German language classes and thus join the latest methods of teaching and learning German, which is especially relevant for future teachers of German.

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Sergey Gladkikh