In March 2024, graduates of the first (bachelor) level of higher education of the Faculty of Romano-Germanic Languages of the OPP "Language and Literature (French, English)" Angelina Shpakova and Elizaveta Skorov, OPP "Language and Literature (English and a second Western European language)" Alina Moiseyeva and Yulia Kozakova, recipient of the OPP "Philology (translation (English; German or French))" of the Faculty of Social and Language Communication Kateryna Fedchun took part in the Festival of French-language readings of the comedy "Women in the People's Assembly" as part of the XVIII European Greco-Latin Festival (Lyon, France). For their active participation, the French Institute in Ukraine presented our students with a one-year use of the Culturethèque digital library. We wish you to make good use of the annual subscription to improve your skills and abilities in the French language!