Annual subscription to the Culturethèque digital library of the French Institute in Ukraine

Annual subscription to the Culturethèque digital library of the French Institute in Ukraine

In March 2024, graduates of the first (bachelor) level of higher education of the Faculty of Romano-Germanic Languages of the OPP "Language and Literature (French, English)" Angelina Shpakova and Elizaveta Skorov, OPP "Language and Literature (English and a second Western European language)" Alina Moiseyeva and Yulia Kozakova, recipient of the OPP "Philology (translation (English; German or French))" of the Faculty of Social and Language Communication Kateryna Fedchun took part in the Festival of French-language readings of the comedy "Women in the People's Assembly" as part of the XVIII European Greco-Latin Festival (Lyon, France). For their active participation, the French Institute in Ukraine presented our students with a one-year use of the Culturethèque digital library. We wish you to make good use of the annual subscription to improve your skills and abilities in the French language!

Vladislav Wanda