Dear readers! Most of you remember our reports from the summer educational archeological practice of students of the "History" specialty. In preparation for the new field season, representatives of the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages of Donbas State Pedagogical University, East Ukrainian National University named after Volodymyr Dahl and Medzhibyzh State Historical and Cultural Reserve met at a joint event.
The event was attended by: Prof. Marchenko T. M. - deputy director for scientific-pedagogical and educational-methodological work of the Institute of Higher Education, prof. Arsentieva O.S. - Dean of the Faculty of Law of SNU named after IN. Dalya, Assoc. Sapytska O.M. – Head of the Department of History, Archeology and Tourism of SNU named after IN. Dalya, Prof. Dokashenko G. P. - the head of the Department of Domestic and Foreign History of the State Institute of Foreign Studies, prof. Brovender Y.M. - professor of the Department of History, Archeology and Tourism of SNU named after IN. Dalya, Pogorelets O. G. - director of DIKZ "Medzhibyzh", Vetrov V. WITH. - head of the "Archaeology" sector of the "Mezhibizh" DIKZ, O. Nadvornyak. IN. - researcher of the archeology sector of the "Mezhibyzh" DIKZ, Kostenko I. M. - restorer of the II category, head of the restoration center of DIKZ "Mezhibizh", as well as graduates of higher education: Kartashov M. - 4th year student of SNU named after IN. For the specialty "History and archeology", V. Voytenko. - Master's student of the 1st year of the specialty "History and Archeology" of the SNU named after IN. Dalya, Khmelik V. - 2nd year undergraduate student of the "Secondary Education (History)" educational program. Psychology" GIIIM, Rvachova G. - 2nd year master's student of the "Secondary Education (History)" educational program. Psychology" GIIIM, Hayduk A. - Master's student of the 2nd year of the educational program "Secondary Education (History). Psychology" G.I.I.M.
The speaker of the event, Prof. Brovender Yu.M., presented a presentation on the development of the archaeological direction in the system of professional education of the V. Dahl State National University and the Donbas State Pedagogical University in the period 2017-2024.
Summarizing the results, the participants of the event focused on the fact that archaeological practices are not only an active means of forming professional competences in future specialists in history and archeology, but also a real school of life, where the threefold task of the pedagogical process - teaching, education and development - is systematically implemented.
The freshmen invited to the event had the opportunity to see for themselves the reality of participating in an archaeological expedition, and the attending seniors received information that could help them make their choice in the summer of 2025.
Teachers and students of higher education of SNU named after IN. Dalya and GIIIM expressed their deep gratitude to the management and employees of the State Historical and Cultural Reserve "Medzhibyzh" for their support and creation of appropriate conditions for the successful completion of bachelor's and master's degrees of two displaced higher education institutions of the Eastern Ukrainian region of educational field archaeological practice.