Training for teachers and staff of the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages on the features of the Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (MOODLE)

Training for teachers and staff of the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages on the features of the Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (MOODLE)

For several days in February, a training for teachers and staff of the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages on the peculiarities MодульнOho object-orientedOho dynamicOho educationalOho environmentsand (MOODLE) and models of its implementation in the educational process.

The training took place within the project "Improving the quality and relevance of vocational education for the New Ukrainian School in Donetsk Oblast", funded by the European Union as part of the European Neighborhood Instrument Program 2017: Special Measures: "EU Support for Eastern Ukraine". The project is administered by the Center for Philology Development NGO of the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of Donbass National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture Yuriy Hrytsuk, elected as a trainer for the training, introduced teachers and staff with guiding principles of modular object-oriented dynamic learning environment, operational aspects of the platform Moodle; digital content development; content download procedures; testing and evaluation system.

According to the results of the Project will earn at the institute MOODLE internal institute platform, which aims to improve the educational environment of GIIM.

Sergey Gladkikh