Borozentseva Tetyana Valeriyivna
Associate Professor of Psychology, Acting Head of the Department of Psychology, Candidate of Psychological Sciences




         Congratulations, dear friends!

         What could be better when a person loves his own business, enjoys work, rejoices in the results? Especially when your efforts make the world and the people around you better! This is how they work and study according to the educational-professional program "Practical Psychology".

         What is the science of psychology today? It is needed everywhere: in communication with relatives, in the management of the company, in creative search, in overcoming illness, in raising a child… Modern life poses extremely important questions to psychological science: what are the reserves of the human brain? How to negotiate in ethnic conflicts? How does a long stay in the confined space of a spaceship affect people?

         We have built the training on OPP "Practical Psychology" so that graduates have the opportunity to choose future work from a wide range of opportunities. Our students study psychophysiology and psychology of health, psychosomatics, basics of psychotherapy, military, ethnic psychology, psychology of management. Each student can adjust part of their curriculum by choosing what is more interesting to them: psychological help in crisis situations, child psychotherapy, psychology of mediation in conflict, psychology of creativity or political psychology.

         Our graduates conduct private psychological practice, work as psychologists in schools, research laboratories, in business, advising managers of various ranks on the selection, motivation of staff and effective management.

         Teachers of the Department of Psychology have their own experience of practicing psychologists, so learning turns into constant development of themselves, improving and expanding their own capabilities to achieve inner harmony.

Join the friendly professional society of practicing psychologists of InYaz!

Підсумок вебінарів з обміну досвідом «Університетська психологічна служба та підтримка»

Summary of webinars on the exchange of experience "University psychological service and support"

June 17, 2024

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About the attestation of applicants of the OP "Practical Psychology" correspondence form of education

June 13, 2024

In June 2024, at the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication of the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages, the attestation of the applicants of the OP "Practical Psychology" higher education level "bachelor" correspondence form of study took place. Students of the 46th group successfully...

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Summary of the webinars on the exchange of experience "Principles of course development in the European Union"

June 1, 2024

The series of webinars on the exchange of experience "Principles of course development in the European Union", which took place from 04/22/2024 to 06/03/2024, has ended. Experts in the development of work training programs from partner European universities shared their experience...

8.05.2024 в рамках проєкту BURN розпочалася серія вебінарів з обміну досвідом «Університетська психологічна служба та підтримка».

On May 8, 2024, a series of webinars on the exchange of experience "University psychological service and support" began as part of the BURN project.

May 8, 2024

On May 8, 2024, a series of webinars on the exchange of experience "University psychological service and support" began as part of the BURN project. All members of the project team are listeners and active participants of the webinars. Attendance of webinars will be credited to them as...


Practical psychology

Questions and suggestions

Sergey Gladkikh