Literary Living Room invites: to the anniversary of the book in 2021

Literary Living Room invites: to the anniversary of the book in 2021

In order to spread the love of books, formation and development of reading competence, socialization and self-realization of young people, development of creative abilities of the individual, on November 19, 2020 the Department of World Literature GIIM opened the doors of the literary living room

30 fans of the book - students and teachers - came to the meeting. 27 third-year students of the two faculties of FRGM and FStMK came to remote communication in Google Meet. The teaching staff was presented by the Head of the Department of World Literature, Dr. Philol. Science, Professor S.A. Komarov, Candidate of Philology. Sciences, senior lecturer at the Department of World Literature OS Karpin and teacher of the department OM Alekseeva.

The following anniversary books were presented to the following students and teachers:

1. 700 years - Dante's "Divine Comedy" - Maria Zaliznyak

2. 420 years - W. Shakespeare "Hamlet, Prince of Denmark" - Anastasia Gavrilina

3. 350 years - J.-B. Moliere "Nobleman in the nobility" - Catherine Fedchun

4. 205 years - E. T. A. Hoffman "The Nutcracker" - Elena Zhykhar

5. 200 years - E. T. A. Hoffman "Life views of Murray's cat" - Anastasia Khyzhnyak

6. 195 years - Brothers Grimm "Fairy Tales" - Eugene Gulyanov

7. 190 years - OS Griboyedov "Woe from the mind" - Alexander Bezsonov

8. 190 years - OS Griboyedov "Woe from the mind" - Anastasia Miroshnikova

9. 190 years - V. Hugo "Cathedral of Our Lady of Paris" - Victoria Sirenko

10. 190 years - MV Gogol "Evenings on the farm near Dykanka" - Anastasia Litvinova

11. 190 years - MV Gogol "Evenings on the farm near Dykanka" - Valery Mitilov

12. 180 years - M. Yu. Lermontov "Hero of our time" - Julia Borteychuk

13. 155 years - V. Hugo "Workers of the Sea" - Mikhail Pisarev

14. 145 years - M. Twain "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" - Lily Zadoya

15. 130 years - O. Wilde "Portrait of Dorian Gray" - Polina Goryushko

16. 130 years - O. Wilde "Portrait of Dorian Gray" - Diana Yermakova

17. 130 years - A. Conan Doyle "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" - Valeria Kucheruk

18. 120 years - G. Wells "The first people on the moon" - Sofia Laricheva

19. 115 years - J. London "White Fang" - Darina Sable

20. 115 years - J. London "White Fang" - Olga Rozinkova

21. 110 years - OI Kuprin "Pomegranate Bracelet" - Julianna Korneeva

22. 110 years - OI Kuprin "Pomegranate Bracelet" - OS Carpina

23. 100 years - OS Green "Purple Sails" - Christina Kudrych

24. 95 years - S. Ya. Marshak "Baggage" - Veronica Medno

25. 90 years - A. de Saint-Exupery "Night Flight" - O.M. Alekseeva

26. 85 years - M. Mitchell "Gone with the Wind" - Anna Shcherbina

27. 70 years - J. D. Salinger "Catcher in the Rye" - S.A. Комаров

28. 55 years - MO Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" - Valentina Khodareva

29. 50 years - GM Troepolsky "White Beam, Black Ear" - Marina Vasilieva

30. 15 years - J. Boyne "Boy in striped pajamas" - Vladislav Korobkin.

Each of the guests of the living room chose a jubilee book in advance with a further explanation of their choice and prepared an expressive reading of an excerpt from it.

Teachers of the department also shared examples of their reading preferences, had a lively dialogue with students. Short, three-minute speeches carried a certain concentrate of feelings and thoughts, gave impetus to the emotional and, most importantly, the spiritual atmosphere of communication.

The general result of the meeting was summed up by the head of the Department of World Literature, Dr. Philol. Science, Professor S.A. Комаров. He noted the positive experience of such an event, which attracts students to read books, gives them the opportunity for creative self-realization, opens up prospects for considering the interaction of literary work and cinema, literary text and theater, reveals the possibilities of multifaceted discourse.

Students, in turn, offered to start the tradition of such readings on various topics.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery's words that the greatest luxury on Earth is the luxury of human communication are relevant during distance learning.

Incredibly sincere, frank, casual conversation between students and teachers grew into a celebration of luxurious communication of youth and beauty, enthusiasm and experience, involvement in the love of reading.

Thank you to everyone who visited the literary living room of the Department of World Literature and created with their participation an unforgettable holiday of spirituality and intellect, the holiday of her majesty the book!

Student feedback

Alexander Bezsonov: The conference was excellent!

Darina Sobol: Thank you for such an event! Have a great time!

Maria Zaliznyak: We are also sincerely grateful to you for the organization and such a wonderful opportunity! Your efforts and ours are worthy of the greatest praise)) For creative people, recognition is extremely important!

Yulianna Korneeva: Thank you very much for organizing this event, for the opportunity to show your talent. I really had a lot of fun as a participant and as a listener)))
