On December 17, 2020, a friendly team of teachers and students of the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages of Donbass State Pedagogical University together with the teams of Sumy State Pedagogical University. AS Makarenko and the Mechanical Engineering College (Sumy) announced the start of work on the interuniversity grant project "MEDIA & TEACHER CAMPUS" (project manager - Elena Semenog, project coordinator - Olga Muratova, project coordinator - Natalia Pono).

Presented during the II Pedagogical Festival "Leaders of the University of the Future: I know, I can, action" (organizers - Sumy State Pedagogical University named after AS Makarenko), the project "MEDIA & TEACHER CAMPUS" will be implemented within the international project "Learn and distinguish: info-media Literacy ”, implemented by the Council for International Research and Exchanges (IREX) with the support of the US and British Embassies, in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Academy of Ukrainian Press.

The aim of the project is to form information literacy of future tutors, in particular in the introduction of blended learning, on the basis of academic integrity and interregional partnership of philological departments of pedagogical universities of Ukraine, institutions that train future journalists and general secondary education; promoting the functioning and promotion of the use of the Ukrainian language in the media.

Join the project group on Facebook.
