The course of psychological training: day one

The course of psychological training: day one

The first video training from the series of webinars "Reality Workshop" held by the Department of Psychology of GIIM on February 24-27 took place.

Practice crisis psychologist Yulia Romashko, president of the NGO "Open Association of Psychologists-Practitioners" Transformation ", offered participants a virtual journey, which is a metaphor for their own lives. During the conversation, each participant replenished his "backpack" with useful things: self-belief, techniques to strengthen their own resilience and strength, which helps to overcome unforeseen obstacles in life.

Join the following seminars! Everyone who SEEKS will definitely FIND WHAT YOU NEED.

Today - talk about our emotions and what they are for a person: a gift of fate or a heavenly punishment…

25.02, Thursday, 18: 00-19: 30: “Emotional intelligence: to know or to feel?”- presenter Diana Drozdova (Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology, GIIM)

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Sergey Gladkikh