Student essay competition for Science Day in Ukraine "Real science is what I do when I don't know what I'm doing (Werner von Braun)"

Student essay competition for Science Day in Ukraine "Real science -
it's what I do when I don't know what I'm doing (Werner von Braun)"

about the Student Essay Competition for Science Day in Ukraine "Real Science -
it's what I do when I don't know what I'm doing (Werner von Braun)"

  1. Terms
    1.1. This provision determines the procedure for conducting the student competition
    an essay dedicated to the Day of Science in Ukraine (hereinafter the Contest).
    1.2. The organizer of the competition is the Council of the Student Scientific Society
    (SNT) of the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages of the Donbas State University
    Pedagogical University" (hereinafter - GIIIM).
    1.3. The program is held on the territory of the GIIIM among students.
    1.4. Information about the Competition is posted on the official website
    the website of the Institute of Information Technology.
  2. Objectives of the Competition
    Activation of the creative and scientific life of students of GIIIM, development
    literary abilities, directing them in the direction of scientific creativity and
  3. Competition tasks
    Education of love and enthusiasm for science, personal development and
    Creation of conditions for creative, scientific and intellectual development;
    Development of fantasy, self-identification, creative thinking, aspirations
    to active self-realization.
  4. Procedure and term of the Competition
    The competition is held online.
    1st stage – 04/25-05/12/2021 – acceptance of competitive works; 2nd stage – 05/13-05/19/2021 – placement of contestant essays on the platform
    Padlet and determination of Contest winners;
    3rd stage - 20.05.2021 - announcement of results.
  5. Conditions of participation
    5.1. All interested students of GIIIM can become participants in the Competition;
    5.2. Participants must adhere to the deadline for participation in the Competition.
    The organizers are not responsible for technical, organizational and other issues
    the reasons that prevented the performance of the Competition task within the terms specified in
    this Regulation;
    5.3. The organizers reserve the right to use competitive
    work for non-commercial purposes in the cases and procedure provided for
    legislation of Ukraine on copyright;
    5.4. Submission of a competitive work means that the participant agrees to the terms
    organization and conduct of the Competition.
  6. Organizer
    6.1. For the organization and conduct of the Competition, an Organizing Committee is being created
    which consists of specialists and students of the Institute of Medical Sciences. The organizing committee is based on
    address: Ukraine, Donetsk region, Bakhmut, str. Sadova, 78a.
    6.2. Competition Organizing Committee:
  • develops Regulations on the Competition;
  • forms the composition of the Competition Jury;
  • approves the list of winners and prize-winners of the Competition and organizes them
  • publishes the results of the Contest on the official website and on
    Instagram page

7. Jury
7.1. The members of the Jury include: - the head of the Council of the Student Scientific Society of the State Institute of Medical Sciences Avdeeva Elizabeth;

  • head of the SNT Council of the Faculty of Social and Language Communication Ladonin
  • head of the SNT Council of the Faculty of Romano-Germanic Languages Bambula Sofia;
  • the head of the department of scientific work of students of GIIIM Lyudmila Tkachenko
  • head of the trade union organization GIIIM Natalya Valeriivna Kovalska.
    7.2. The jury develops the criteria and methodology for evaluating the completed works
    Contest participants;
    7.3. The jury determines the winners and prize-winners;
    7.4. The jury conducts an expert assessment of works submitted to the Competition;
    7.5. Evaluation is carried out by each member of the jury individually;
    7.6. The final grade is formed by calculating the total score,
    collected by the Contest participant.
    7.7. The decision of the Jury is formalized in the protocol;
    7.8. The jury has the right to award one place to several participants;
    7.9. The decision of the Jury, drawn up in the protocol, is not subject to review.
    8 Requirements for competitive works
    8.1. Evaluation criteria for competitive works:
  • compliance with the theme of the competition, the content of the essay;
  • literacy and content of the text (up to 5 points);
  • originality of the creative idea (up to 5 points);
  • the ability to clearly express one's thoughts (up to 5 points);
  • compliance with the principles of academic integrity.
    The maximum number of points that a Contest participant can score is 15;
    8.2. The volume of work should be no more than 1 page (A4) with 1 spacing.
    Pin - 14, font - TimesNewRoman. Margins - 2 cm, paragraph - 1.25 cm. 8.3. Competition works are accepted upon registration at the following link: kOe3UZh5RWXeCHTuU/viewform?edit_requested=true
    All questions by phone: (0662333394) Sofia

Sergey Gladkikh