We invite you to the interactive educational exhibition "Mental Trek"

We invite you to the interactive educational exhibition "Mental Trek"

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According to the definition of the World Health Organization (WHO), mental health - it is a state of well-being in which each person can fulfill their potential, cope with life's stresses, work productively and fruitfully, and contribute.

However, being mentally healthy does not mean being happy all the time. "A mentally healthy person experiences a whole range of emotions, and anger and sadness in that case," - says Denys Ugryn, MH4U project advisor, consultant physician at the Maudsley Clinic in London, lecturer at the Department of Child Psychiatry at the Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London.

The main thing is that the emotions and behavior of a person match the situation.

Within the framework of the project, MH4U experts together with the non-governmental organization "Alliance for Civil Rights" created interactive educational exhibition Mental Trek, which teaches young people to take care of their mental health. Specialists in the field of mental health - psychologists, psychotherapists, employees of medical and administrative health care institutions, representatives of public organizations - also participated in the development of the exhibition.

WHEN? 05/20/2021 at 12:00

WHERE? GIIIM, second building (Sadova St., 2A), auditorium 106

Google form for registration.

We are waiting for you, a responsible citizen of Ukraine!

Sergey Gladkikh