An archaeological expedition has been launched...

An archaeological expedition has been launched...

Students of the historical specialty of our institute have long dreamed of taking part in archaeological excavations. This year, the dream is coming true thanks to the Memorandum of Cooperation signed between the two educational institutions - Volodymyr Dahl Eastern Ukrainian National University and Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages of the Donbas State Pedagogical University, which defines the main directions of mutual interests in the implementation of joint territorial communities Donetsk and Luhansk regions archaeological practices of students within the educational process.

The first to arrive at the place of educational archaeological practice was a group of higher education graduates of the specialty 032 "History and Archeology" of SNU named after V. Dahl under the guidance of Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Brovender Yu.M. May 29 to the expedition of SNU named after A group of higher education graduates from the "Secondary Education" specialty joined Dalya. History" of our institute under the leadership of Associate Professor S.A. Yevseenko. Studies of the ancient mound are being conducted near the village. Khomyvka on the lands of Nizhnyeduvanska OTG of Svativ district, Luhansk region. Thanks to the assistance of local authorities, namely the Svativ District State Administration (Chairman O.V. Klemenchukov), the Svativ District Council (Chairman L.P. Rusanova), as well as local entrepreneurs, it was possible to resolve a number of issues. Among them - place of residence, food, equipment. Special assistance to the expedition was provided by V.V. Mormul, director of the "Slobozhansky Food Factory".

Places of ancient burials have already been determined in the mound. But everything is interesting ahead. Local mass media provided information about this event, which we suggest you familiarize yourself with. 

Sergey Gladkikh