WARNING! Fire alarm! Training exercises on the evacuation of employees and students of education took place at the State Educational Institution

WARNING! Fire alarm! Training exercises on the evacuation of employees and students of education took place at the State Educational Institution

On June 9, at the Horliv Institute of Foreign Languages, a practical work-out of the evacuation plan for people in dormitory No. 1, located at the address: Pivdenna 2a, in the event of a conditional fire took place.

The event was held by inspectors of the 8th state fire and rescue squad of the Main Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Donetsk region. The main goal of the event was to check the readiness and correctness of the actions of the students and staff in the event of an emergency. The fire alarm system went off in the dormitory, notifying everyone about a conditional fire. The staff and residents of the dormitory, strictly following the evacuation plan, left the premises and went to a safe place. The rescuers, in turn, searched the dormitory to make sure that there was no one in the building. After that, in the courtyard of the institution, the firefighters conducted an instruction on the use of a fire extinguisher with those present.

Sergey Gladkikh