New success of young scientists of the institute

New success of young scientists of the institute

On the eve of the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of Ukraine, the All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference "Achievements of youth - development of the country" was held at the Educational-Scientific Professional-Pedagogical Institute of the Ukrainian Engineering-Pedagogical Academy (Bakhmut). Our institute was represented by members of the Student Scientific Society - Sofia Bambulya and Angelina Kryvolapova (Faculty of Romance-Germanic Languages). Research supervisor - associate professor of the Department of Domestic and Foreign History, Candidate of Political Sciences N.M. Volvenko. Bambulya S. spoke at the plenary session with a report "Civil organizations of the youth movement as a tool for lobbying the rights of Ukrainian citizens", A. Kryvolapova took part in the work of section #1 "The Constitution of Ukraine - the basis of an independent democratic state", at which she gave a report "Implementation of experience European states as a means of implementing state policy in the field of education of Ukraine".

The performances of our students were recognized as among the best at the conference, the authors received diplomas from the Bakhmut City Council and valuable gifts. We sincerely congratulate the young scientists and their supervisor. We wish you new successes and successful performances!

Sergey Gladkikh