Allahverdyan Tamara Mykolayivna

Allahverdyan Tamara Mykolayivna

Allahverdyan Tamara Mykolayivna

Doctor of Philology, Professor departments of French and Spanish, literary critic, translator.

In 1976 she graduated from Dnipropetrovsk State University, taught French at the Departments of Foreign Languages, Philology and Translation, read foreign literature at philological faculties; conducted courses in rhetoric and culturology.

In 1991 she defended her PhD thesis in "Literature of Western Europe, America and Australia" (Moscow State University, Moscow).

In 2013 she defended her doctoral dissertation at Tavriya National University, majoring in Literature of Foreign Countries.

She has published more than 140 scientific, scientific-methodical and methodical works, including four monographs, including one; four textbooks, more than 120 articles and other publications in scientific journals and collections on the topics: "French literature of the 18th and 19th centuries.", "English Romanticism", "Russian Romanticism", "Personality in Romanticism: Problems of Individualism, Egocentrism, Depersonalization" , "The structure of the mythopoetic text"; also on the problems of linguistics and literary translation (57 works were published in professional publications of Ukraine and abroad).

Member of the specialized scientific council in the specialties "Theory of Literature", "Literature of foreign countries" and scientific and methodological expert commissions.

Teaches the following disciplines:

  1. "Problems of socio-cultural variation of a foreign language in the aspect of translation";
  2. "Theory and practice of translation";
  3. "Main directions of semantic research";
  4. "Communication strategies (second language)";
  5. "Communication strategies (main language)";
  6. "Lexicology";
  7. "Theory and practice of discursive analysis";
  8. "Current issues of modern romance."

Manages the writing of master's theses in philology.

Vladislav Wanda