Hrytsuk Yuriy Valeriyovych

Hrytsuk Yuriy Valeriyovych

Hrytsuk Yuriy Valeriyovych

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Department of Psychology.

In 1997 he graduated from the Automobile and Road Institute of Donetsk State Technical University, majoring in "Construction and operation of roads and airfields."

In 2001 he defended his dissertation on "Asphalt slag concrete on anionic bitumen emulsions." In 2004 he was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor of Higher and Applied Mathematics and Informatics.

Teaches disciplines: "ICT in the field", "Methods of using computer technology in the work of a psychologist", "Methods of multidimensional analysis", "Mathematical methods in the work of a psychologist".

Research interests: information technologies in practical research, organization of training of applicants with the use of information technologies, information systems

Author and co-author of more than 420 scientific and educational works, including a textbook stamped by the Ministry of Education and Science "Protection of the population and territories from emergencies of natural and man-made nature. Impressive factors, prevention and protection measures ". He has 11 certificates of entry in the Register of Software Producers and Distributors (as part of creative teams) and 13 certificates of copyright registration for a work (as part of creative teams).

Vladislav Wanda