Deacon Natalia Vasylivna

Deacon Natalia Vasylivna

Deacon Natalia Vasylivna

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor Department of World Literature.

In 1996 she graduated from the Horlivka State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages with a degree in English, Russian Language and Literature. In 2016 she defended her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philology in the specialty 10.02.02 - Russian language. Topic: "Universation in the Russian language: structural-semantic and onomasiological description."

At the Department of World Literature teaches the following disciplines:

First (bachelor's) level:

  1. Foreign literature (XVII-XVIII centuries, XIX century (romanticism-realism), the turn of the XIX-XX centuries).

Manages pedagogical practice, course, bachelor's and master's theses.

Research interests: systematic linguistic and literary space, active processes of modern Slavic word formation, theory of nomination, complex cases of the modern morphological system of the Russian language; problems of poetics of foreign literature of the twentieth century.

Publications: 80, of which 1 - monograph, 69 - scientific publications (of which: 51 - in professional journals) and 5 - educational and methodological nature.

In 2015, she completed an internship at the Summer School, conducted by BTU CS (Germany) with the support of DAAD "Greening the Curriculum" / Greening the Curriculum - Integration of Sustainability Aspects into University Education.

Vladislav Wanda