Karpina Olena Serhiivna

Karpina Olena Serhiivna

Karpina Olena Serhiivna

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Department of World Literature.

In 2012 she graduated from the Horlivka State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages with a degree in English and French and Foreign Literature. In 2018 she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Philological Sciences in the specialty 10.01.02. - Russian literature. Topic: "Forms of expression of historiosophical concept in the pentalogy of Vsevolod Solovyov" Chronicle of four generations ".

He teaches the following disciplines at the department:

The first (bachelor's) level

  1. Foreign literature (Antiquity, Middle Ages-Renaissance).
  2. World children's literature.
  3. Foreign Literature (Antiquity, Middle Ages-Renaissance, XVII-XVIII centuries (lectures and seminars), XIX century (romanticism-realism), the turn of the XIX-XX centuries (seminars), XX century (lectures and seminars)).

The second (master's) level

Methods of teaching literary disciplines in higher education institutions (practical and laboratory classes).

Manages pedagogical practice, course, bachelor's and master's theses.

Research interests: Russian historical fiction of the XIX-XX centuries; development of the genre of historical novel in world literature and its authorial transformations; the problem of the relationship between fact and fiction in a historical novel; specific features of the family chronicle genre; ways of reproducing artistic time in a historical novel; artistic philosophy of history; literary imagology.

Publications: 30 articles (9 - professional publications, 1 - in foreign publications, 20 - conference proceedings and non-professional publications).

Vladislav Wanda