Muromtseva Alyona Leonidivna

Muromtseva Alyona Leonidivna

Muromtseva Alyona Leonidivna

Methodist of the 2nd category educational and methodical department, teacher Department of Pedagogy and Teaching Methods.

In 2011 she graduated from the Slavic State Pedagogical University, specialty: "Preschool Education", qualification: Master of Pedagogical Education, teacher of preschool pedagogy and psychology.

Since 2020 he has been studying at the graduate school of the State Higher Educational Institution of Donbass State Pedagogical University, majoring in: 013.00.04 Theory and methods of professional training

Research interests: socio-pedagogical training, professional profile of a modern teacher, effective strategies for the practical implementation of inclusive education.

Teaches the following disciplines:

  1. "Pedagogy";
  2. "Fundamentals of Inclusive Education".

Vladislav Wanda