Nestoruk Natalia Anatoliyivna

Nestoruk Natalia Anatoliyivna

Nestoruk Natalia Anatoliyivna

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Department of Pedagogy and Teaching Methods.

In 1997 she graduated from the Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy, qualification - "engineer-teacher". In 2017 she graduated from Cherkasy National University named after B. Khmelnytsky, qualification - teacher of universities and higher educational institutions; professional in the field of teaching methods.

In 2014 she defended her dissertation on "Methods of teaching future engineers-teachers of electromechanical profile to conduct experimental research in the study of technical disciplines" in the specialty 13.00.02 - Theory and methods of teaching (technical disciplines).

In 2017 - advanced training at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Postgraduate Education of DonNTU, the title of the program "English language of business communication in management", final work on "Linguistic competence as a factor of professional success".

In 2018 - an internship at the State Pedagogical University "DDPU" at the Department of Psychology in order to update and form professional competencies in psychological and pedagogical activities.

Research interests: continuing education, pedagogical management.

Teaches the following disciplines:

  1. "Pedagogy";
  2. "Methods and ethics of modern scientific and pedagogical research";
  3. "Management in education";
  4. "Pedagogy and psychology of higher education";
  5. "Pedagogy and methods of teaching philological disciplines in higher education";
  6. "Theory and practice of implementing advanced pedagogical experience."

Vladislav Wanda