Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Department of German Philology.
In 1987 graduated from the Horlivka State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages with a degree in English and German.
In 2011 defended her dissertation on the specialty 10.02.04 - Germanic languages
(035 Philology). Dissertation topic: "Lexical and grammatical features of English as an international auxiliary language (based on the texts of administrative documents of the European Union)".
In 2015 received a certificate of associate professor of English philology.
Research interests: lexicology, English-language administrative discourse.
Publications: more than 30 publications, of which: 17 articles - in professional journals, 3 articles - in other publications, 9 conference proceedings at various levels, 2 - educational and methodological publications, more than 20 student publications.
Teaches the following disciplines:
- "Theory and practice of translation";
- "Communication strategies".