Need Nadezhda

Need Nadezhda

Need Nadezhda

Head departments of French and Spanish, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Lecturer Department of Pedagogy and Teaching Methods.

In 1990 she graduated from the Faculty of French of the Horlivka State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages (specialty - French and German); educational level "specialist".

In 2006 she graduated from the Horlivka State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages with a degree in January 10, 2006 - Theory of Literature.

In 2007 she defended her PhD thesis on "Spatial images in a literary work (based on the work of IO Bunin)" in the specialty 10.01.06 - Theory of Literature.

In 2013 she received the title of associate professor of the theory and practice of translation.

Research interests: current trends in teaching a second foreign language, linguistics of France; literary problems.

He is the author of more than 40 publications, of which, in particular, 12 professional and 4 works of educational and methodological nature; textbook "Theory and practice of translation", a member of the scientific and methodological council of the institute, head of the student scientific group "Linguo-cultural features of verbalization of language units in Romance languages"

Teaches the following disciplines:

  1. "Methods of teaching foreign languages and cultures in secondary schools (French)";
  2. "Theory and practice of discursive analysis";
  3. "Linguistics of the second foreign language";
  4. "Communication Strategies: Second Language (French)";
  5. "Practice of oral and written speech";
  6. "Grammatical aspects of foreign discourse";
  7. "Translation Project Management".

Vladislav Wanda