Skoplev Andrey Alexandrovich

Skoplev Andrey Alexandrovich

Skoplev Andrey Alexandrovich

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Department of Linguistics and Russian Language.

Teaches disciplines: "Old Slavonic language", "Comparative grammar of Russian and Ukrainian languages".

In 2003 he graduated from the Horlivka State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages with a degree in Pedagogy and Methods of Secondary Education. Language and Literature (English, Russian) ".

In 2019 he defended his dissertation on the specialty 10.02.03 - Slavic languages. Thesis: "The problem of preserving the category of the species in the Czech action nouns on -ní / -tí".

Research interests: grammar and word formation of Western Slavic languages, aspectology, hybrid classes of words in the system of parts of speech, history of Slavic languages, Slavic microphilology, generative grammar.

Publications: 20 articles (7 - in professional publications, 2 - in foreign publications, 9 - conference proceedings and non-professional publications)

Teaches disciplines: "Introduction to Linguistics", "Old Slavonic Language".

Vladislav Wanda