Starchenko Olena Anatoliivna

Starchenko Olena Anatoliivna

Starchenko Olena Anatoliivna

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Department of German Philology.

In 1996. graduated from the Horlivka State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages with a degree in Teacher of English and German.

In 2013 she defended her dissertation on the specialty 10.02.04 - Germanic languages. Dissertation topic: "Terminology of the electoral process and electoral procedures (on the material of English and Ukrainian languages)".

Research interests: terminology, lexicology, sociolinguistics, theory of nomination.

Publications: 26 publications, of which: 10 articles - in professional journals, 2 articles - in other publications, 14 conference proceedings at various levels.

Teaches the following discipline: "Practical Phonetics".

Vladislav Wanda