Stepanova Snizhana Serhiivna

Stepanova Snizhana Serhiivna

Stepanova Snizhana Serhiivna

Teacher of the department psychology.

In 2004 she graduated from the Donetsk Institute of Market and Social Policy with a degree in Psychology and qualified as a psychologist.

He has experience as a practical psychologist in educational institutions (2005-2018).

Teaches disciplines: "Social psychology", "General psychology", "Experimental psychology", "Zoopsychology". Comparative Psychology "," Family Psychology "," Workshop on Social Psychology ".

Research interests: social problems and prospects, psychology of small groups, conflict studies, psychology of sports.

Co-author of 2 publications in professional international publications, participates in scientific and scientific-practical conferences of All-Ukrainian and International level.


Vladislav Wanda