Sharko Albina Anatoliyivna

Sharko Albina Anatoliyivna

Sharko Albina Anatoliyivna

Senior Lecturer Department of German Philology.

In 1996 he graduated from the Horlivka State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages as a teacher of German and English language and foreign literature.

Research interests: gender pedagogy, linguistics, methods of teaching German as a second foreign language.

Main publications: 24 publications, including 9 professional articles, 22 reports at conferences of various levels.

Teaches the following disciplines:

  1. "Second foreign language";
  2. "Second foreign language as a language of professional communication";
  3. "Linguistics";
  4. Linguistics of the second foreign language ";
  5. "Practice of oral and written speech" (practical);
  6. "Theory and practice of discursive analysis".

Vladislav Wanda