Beginning of English language and mathematics classes as part of preparatory courses for TOT entrants

Beginning of English language and mathematics classes as part of preparatory courses for TOT entrants

A month of preparatory courses for TOT entrants has passed, and we are not standing still. July, dedicated to the study of Ukrainian language and history, came to an end, and on August 2, 2021, classes in English and mathematics began.
In the first English class, entrants wrote a test in which teachers determined their level of language proficiency and divided it into two groups for productive work and better mastering of the material. Now students have interesting lessons with different types of exercises and games.
As Socrates said, "Mathematics is the gymnastics of the mind and the preparation for philosophy," so in math class, course participants expressed their wishes to study and repeat the material. Of course, there was no time to be sad, because solving interactive tasks immersed everyone in the learning process.

Vladislav Wanda