We are announcing a month of foreign languages (English, French, German and Spanish)

We are announcing a month of foreign languages (English, French, German and Spanish)

During the month, each week will be dedicated to one language:

18.10 - 22.10 - in English;

25.10 - 29.10 - in French;

01.11 - 05.11 - German;

08.11 - 12.11– Spanish.

What awaits you:

WhatMonday - "What do you know about the country whose language you are studying?" (video presentation) and test (with winners).

* follow the link https://meet.google.com/uem-cegb-qqs.

WhatTuesday - competition for the best video "Besides, I'm talking…" (within a week of speech) in the format of Instagram video (up to 60 seconds).

* Participate exclusively GIIM students.

* Deadline submission of entries October 18 for all educational programs in Telegram @HIFL_stud.

WhatWednesday - learn grammar in the new world and a test to consolidate the material (with the winners).

* follow the link https://meet.google.com/uem-cegb-qqs.

WhatThursday - competition for the best advertising of the educational program (within a week of speech) in the format of Instagram-post or video (up to 30 seconds).

* Participate exclusively GIIM students.

* Deadline submission of entries October 20 for all educational programs in Telegram @HIFL_stud.

WhatFriday - teleconference with students and graduates of educational programs (within the language week).

* Live broadcasts will take place on the social network Instagram @abiturient_hifl.

November 12 - live broadcast with the selection committee in the format of "question-answer".

For entrants registration is obligatory on the link: https://forms.gle/h7s55fveShet1wKM6.

This event was prepared and implemented with the financial support of the European Union. Its content is the sole responsibility of the Gorlovka Institute of Foreign Languages and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

Vladislav Wanda