Day of Defenders of Ukraine

Day of Defenders of Ukraine

October 14 is a significant date that symbolizes the rich and glorious traditions of the Ukrainian people, embodies courage, heroism, indomitable national spirit of defenders and liberators of the native land at all stages of its centuries-old history.

It is a holiday of everyone who at one time or another gave his knowledge, strength, courage for the prosperity of our state, preservation of its independence and territorial integrity, who bears an honor guard for the protection of the people of Ukraine.

That is why on the eve of the Day of Defenders of Ukraine, the Department of Educational Work announced a competition "Strength in his…". Students of the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages will take part in this competition. The essence is to reveal your masculine power with the help of photos. The competition will be held in three stages.

The first stage is a selection stage, where participants must fill out questionnaires; the second - the main (photo shoot); third - summarizing.

Also October 14 - Protection of the Blessed Virgin. From ancient times the Holy Intercession was considered the patron saint of the Cossacks, a kind of symbol of courage, honor and a talisman of folk traditions. So it is not for nothing that on this day we celebrate the "Day of Defenders of Ukraine".

Congratulations to everyone whose heart is inhabited by the spirit of our glorious ancestors, the Cossacks. And first of all - our glorious defenders of Ukraine, whose holiday we celebrate today.

It is a holiday not only for men, it is a holiday for all those who love and defend their homeland. This is a holiday of Ukraine. May your home be filled with light and love, and work bring only pleasure!

Vladislav Wanda