Psychology Month

Psychology Month

We are starting the month of Psychology in GIIM! A month of weekly meetings, trainings, sincere communication and new acquaintances!

1. HelpCity project - every Wednesday 19.00 - 20.30 interactive meeting with a psychologist online: answers to questions, consultations, lively discussions.

The topic of the first conversation: "What do I want most in life?»

November 3, Wednesday, 19.00, host of the meeting - Tatiana Borozentseva. practicing psychologist, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology GIIM

To participate in an online meeting REGISTERplease follow the link (google form) until 17.00 on Wednesday, November 3. A link to the ZOOM conference will be sent to you via the specified e-mail

2. Training "Children and War". The purpose of the classes is to find ways to overcome difficult life situations and the consequences of any tragic events in life.

Moderators: Inna Dolya, practicing psychologist, lecturer at the Department of Psychology, GIIM; Olena Veherina, psychologist of Proliska NGO

7 training sessions are planned (1-2 times a week), group up to 10-15 people, no more !!

The first lesson is on Thursday, November 4, 16.00 - 18.00

Registration by phone: 095 46 17 177

This event was prepared and implemented with the financial support of the European Union. Its content is the sole responsibility of the Gorlovka Institute of Foreign Languages and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

Vladislav Wanda