International Students' Day

International Students' Day

November 17 is International Students' Day.

Probably everyone who was a student remembers these years with joyful awe and nostalgia. A real desperate time, a lot of unresolved cases, interesting proposals, bright emotions, and above all - a session. But the most anticipated holiday is Student's Day.

This is the time of the boldest experiments - in learning, appearance, behavior; and, of course, we do not remember the same learning as, in fact, the first serious "steps of adulthood" - a student novel, a test of friendship, travel and travel abroad, fun get-togethers and fun life events.

No one will deny that students are incredible people. After all, only students from different parts of the world will find a common language, despite any language barriers. Especially when it comes to celebrating the day of solidarity, activity and unity of all those who gnaw the granite of science - International Students' Day.

The traditions of celebrating the main holiday - both serious and funny - are very similar in Bakhmut, Kyiv and Kharkiv, in Paris, Oxford and Toulouse, in Lviv and Warsaw. In general, they come down to celebrating this day as cheerfully, actively and "so that future generations know how to celebrate!"

What to wish the student? That teachers are respected, that knowledge is useful and that sessions are easy to build, that learning is easy and that learning is fun, that success accompanies life.

Vladislav Wanda