The Department of Organization of Educational Work of Students announces a competition to create the best logo of the Student Parliament.

The Department of Organization of Educational Work of Students announces a competition to create the best logo of the Student Parliament.

The Department of Organization of Student Educational Work announces a competition to create the best logo of the Student Parliament. The winner will receive a diploma and prizes from our sponsors.

Applicants for higher education GIIM are invited to participate in the competition - all those who wish to offer their own ideas and creative work.

Regulations of the competition

The goal is to develop a logo, which will later become the main one for the GIIM student parliament.


from November 17 to December 1 - acceptance of competitive works;

from December 2  on December 6 - consideration of the submitted works by the jury members;

December 7 - announcement of results and awarding of the winner.

Conditions of carrying out

  1. Everyone is invited to participate in the competition.
  2. Works performed both individually and by a team of authors are submitted to the competition.
  3. Each participant can submit up to 3 works.
  4. By participating in the contest, entrants agree to transfer copyright to the logo.

general requirements

The logo must:

  • be unique, original and easy to perceive;
  • not contain images of state flags and symbols of other states;
  • to convey the content and objectives of the student council.

We wish you success and look forward to your work, which we ask you to send to e-mail

Vladislav Wanda