The Holodomor is a tragedy of humanity

The Holodomor is a tragedy of humanity

Every year on the last Saturday of November in Ukraine the memory of the victims of the Holodomor of 1921-1922, 1932-1933, 1946-1947 is honored.

In this regard, students of the Volunteer Center of the Institute joined the action "Light a candle of memory!" to the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holodomor and Political Repressions in Ukraine.

The national tradition of placing a lighted candle in the windows of their homes in honor of those starved to death was initiated by historian, political scientist, Holodomor researcher James Mace.

James Mace moved to Ukraine, where he wrote: “I just want to offer an act of national memory available to everyone: to determine the time when each member of this nation, where almost every family has lost a loved one, will light up in his window a candle in memory of the dead. "

We remember with grief - we will not allow again !!!

Let us honor the memory of all the people whose fate was affected by the tragedy of the Holodomor, which took millions of lives.

We invite everyone to join the All-Ukrainian action "Light a candle»And a national minute of silence At 16.00, November 27, lighting a candle in the window of his home as a symbol of memory and faith in the future.

Vladislav Wanda