Awarding the winners of the poetry translation competition

Awarding the winners of the poetry translation competition

On November 25, the winners of the competition of poetic translation from English into Ukrainian were awarded. During the month, the Department of English Philology and Translation of the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages writer, diplomat and politician of 16-17 centuries).

Diplomas and English-language books were awarded to:

- First place - Julia Vladimirovna Kazakova, student 112a group of the Faculty of Romance and Germanic languages of the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages SHEI DDPU;

- Second place - Polina Vladimirovna Stetsyura, a student of 9-B class of Bakhmut Secondary School I-III degrees №18 them. Dmytro Chernyavsky of Bakhmut City Council of Donetsk Region;

- Third place - Elizabeth Romanovna Khokhotva, a student of the 8th grade of Kramatorsk NEC (School 32 - School) Donetsk region.

All other participants received diplomas.

Teachers were also awarded honors for preparing student work.

Thank you to all participants for interesting, meaningful, poetically balanced translations; teachers - for attention and care. We wish everyone further creative achievements, peace, health, joy, significant and daily success, fulfillment of dreams, happiness - all the best!

Vladislav Wanda