We continue meetings in HelpCity

We continue meetings in HelpCity

Last week, we launched the topic "Steps to a successful career" online. Everyone present (students of the Gorolov Institute of Foreign Languages, students of the Railway College, Pedagogical College, high school students from Bakhmut and Kramatorsk) could express their own opinion about what prevents a person from making a successful career, which we expect from the future profession.

Next Wednesday, December 8, at 7 p.m. The host of the meeting Natalia Kosheleva, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology, offers to discuss the following interesting issues:

- How can procrastination harm your career and what to do about it?

- Can perfectionism hinder career success?

- "impostor syndrome": how to make him an assistant in your career development?

To participate, register, please!

Vladislav Wanda