Annual action #16 days of violence

Annual action #16 days of violence

The annual #16 Days Against Violence campaign is currently underway. It is dedicated to overcoming domestic gender-based violence. And the first step to solving this problem, as well as any other problems, is to say it, not to leave it behind the door of your apartment, not to be left alone with it.

But today, according to statistics, every fifth woman in Ukraine is exposed to the use of force against her in everyday life.

This is scary!

However, each of us can break the cycle of violence!

When you are beaten - do not be silent!

If they tell you, "Don't take the garbage out of the house!" - do not be silent!

You are not guilty of anything - do not be silent!

Violence is a crime! - do not be silent about him,

Silence is not the way out! Call 102! Get help!

GIIM students support the #16 Days of Violence campaign


 #Silent #102

Vladislav Wanda