Memorandum in force

Memorandum in force

On December 11, bachelors of the Faculty of Social and Linguistic Communication met with students of the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University. These were the participants of the 2021 archeological expedition, who, within the framework of the Memorandum of Cooperation signed in the spring of this year, jointly conducted excavations near the village of Khomivka, Svativskyi district, Luhansk region (see June News). The purpose of the current meeting "Ancient history of the native land: the results of the field season 2021" was to present the results of archaeological research of the joint expedition, which was covered in detail by the head of the expedition - Doctor of History Yu.M. Brovender. The participants of the meeting demonstrated their skills to search and work with sources and primary sources, to argue their own opinion about the findings of the expedition.

Archaeological expedition is not only a scientific and educational research, it is also an invaluable experience of communication, exchange of information, formation of skills to lead a discussion and more. A kind of "diary" of the expedition gave the opportunity to see this and relive the moments of discovery, inspiration and mad fatigue. First-year students of groups 101a and 102a, who are studying Archeology this semester, have been invited to the meeting. This is where our archaeologists are planning a new joint expedition.

Both the expedition itself and the presentation of its results are a real manifestation of the internal mobility of higher education seekers.

Vladislav Wanda