St. Nicholas Day

St. Nicholas Day

On December 19, Orthodox Christians will celebrate an important religious holiday - St. Nicholas Day.

We sincerely congratulate everyone on St. Nicholas Day!

This bright, good, crowded and merry holiday of St. Nicholas Day has long been called the first of the Christmas and New Year holidays, which traditionally already marks the beginning of the great national New Year. At the same time, St. Nicholas Day is a kind of symbol of human hope and faith in their better future.

Ukrainians have long considered St. Nicholas their patron, educator and patron of children and youth. On this day, even adults begin to believe in miracles, and children are looking forward to the morning to look under the pillow or in a magic boot, because it's so nice to find gifts in it.

St. Nicholas is famous for his kindness and willingness to help anyone in need. He brings gifts to the youngest, and encourages adults to mercy, compassion and kindness. So accept the most sincere congratulations on the holiday, which is sure to be remembered by pleasant surprises, good mood, gifts and unique impressions. May the prayer of St. Nicholas always protect our families and prosperity and harmony reign in every home.

We sincerely wish everyone health, well-being and family warmth.

Believe in a miracle and do it yourself!

Have a nice and merry holiday!


Vladislav Wanda