An examination platform for determining the level of proficiency in the state language has been opened at the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages of the State Pedagogical University.

An examination platform for determining the level of proficiency in the state language has been opened at the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages of the State Pedagogical University.

According to the agreement with the National Commission on State Language Standards, the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages of the State Pedagogical University of DSPU is the authorized institution for conducting the state language proficiency exam. All requirements for hardware, software and exam audience were met.

From December 2021 on the basis of the institute there is an opportunity to pass an exam for the level of state language for civil servants - persons whose job descriptions provide for the use of the state language in the performance of official duties, as well as for persons who must acquire Ukrainian citizenship. The first applicants who passed the exam at the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages of the State Pedagogical University were able to test their strength.

For citizens of Ukraine, the exam to determine the level of proficiency in the state language is FREE.

To take the exam you need to register on the site

You can take the exam at: Bakhmut, st. Sadova, 78a (auditorium № 316)

Vladislav Wanda