Magda Polina Mykolayivna

Magda Polina Mykolayivna

Magda Polina Mykolayivna

Magda Polina Mykolayivna, lecturer at the Department of Ukrainian Philology; graduate student of the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Technological and Vocational Education of the State Pedagogical University "DDPU".

She graduated from the Slavic State Pedagogical Institute with a degree in "Pedagogy and Methods of Secondary Education, Ukrainian Language and Literature" and qualified as a teacher of Ukrainian language and literature, foreign literature (2000).

He is working on a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the field of knowledge 01 - education / pedagogy in specialty 015 - vocational education on "Formation of professional and value orientations of future music teachers in the study of socio-humanitarian cycle" (third year).

Teaches disciplines: "Introduction to Literary Studies", "Analysis of the literary text", "History of Ukrainian literature (II half of the twentieth century.)".

Author of 10 articles in professional scientific journals of Ukraine, co-author of a publication in a foreign collective monograph, author of an article in a foreign publication; co-author of 3 educational programs, 1 complex of educational and methodological support of the discipline and 1 RCC, recommended by the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine (DMC NZKMU) for publication. Chairman of the Central Committee "General Education, Humanities and Socio-Economic Disciplines", head of the study group of Bakhmut College of Arts. I. Karabitsa.

Research interests: formation of communicativeness, patriotism, empathy, bioethics of future teachers as professional and value orientations; strengthening the use of the axiological potential of the disciplines of the socio-humanitarian cycle; intensification of educational extracurricular activities with students; introduction of interactive methods in the educational process.


Vladislav Wanda