Linguistic fan studio of intelligent genius linguists of FRGM

Linguistic fan studio of intelligent genius linguists of FRGM

On Saturday, February 12, at 11:00, the first meeting of the Linguistic Fan Studio of Smart Ingenious Linguists took place. The first lesson, dedicated to English and Spanish, was conducted by Anna Shistko and Victoria Usyk. The young teachers introduced the participants to interesting facts about Great Britain and Spain, as well as learned new expressions and greetings in English and Spanish.

Pupils from the cities of Bakhmut, Lysychansk, Bilytske and Popasna actively participated in the implementation of creative tasks and other activities proposed by our teachers.

The next meeting of the fan studio will take place on February 26 !!! Join us!

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We remind you of the schedule:

February 26 11.00 - 12.00       German and French

March 12 11.00 - 12.00       English and Spanish

March 26 11.00 - 12.00       German and French   

April 9 11.00 - 12.00       English and Spanish

April 16 11.00 - 12.00        German and French

Vladislav Wanda