Dear colleagues!

Dear colleagues!

February 17, 2022 - a webinar will be held

on the topic "Professional development of teachers, practical psychologists, managers and civil servants:


In order to increase the professional competence of teachers in implementing the tasks of the State Standard of Secondary Education in the New Ukrainian School and in accordance with the procedure for professional development of pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated August 21, 2019 № 800 professional competence Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages Donbass State Pedagogical University, State Higher Educational Institution February 17, 2022 will hold a webinar on the topic "Professional development of teachers, practical psychologists, managers and civil servants: individual approach to everyone! ”.

The online meeting will take place on the Zoom platform

Conference ID: 850 4952 0552.

Access code: 839588.

Registration time: 14.00-14.25.

Start at 14.30.

Please facilitate participation in the webinar: directors of secondary schools, their deputies, teachers of Ukrainian language and literature, foreign languages (English, French, German, Spanish), Russian language and literature, history, foreign literature, practical psychologists, executives, civil servants of the region, as well as all stakeholders.

  The online event will focus on modern innovation vectors in the context of professional development of teachers, practical psychologists, managers and civil servants. on the basis of concluding an individual training agreement.

The modern requirements of the state, the needs of society and the guidelines of each individual will be taken into account.

We look forward to working with you!

Sergey Gladkikh