Ensuring participation in the survey prepared by the State National Security Service of Ukraine

Ensuring participation in the survey prepared by the State National Security Service of Ukraine

In order to analyze the indicators of use by higher education institutions and research institutions of test access to EBSCO and Bentham Science databases, which was provided during September-December 2021, the State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine (hereinafter - SSTB of Ukraine) has prepared a survey year.

Researchers from higher education institutions and research institutions who used test access to the databases of the EBSCO platform and electronic resources of Bentham Science publishing house are invited to participate in the survey.

We ask you to ensure the participation of scientific (scientific and pedagogical) workers who have experience working with these databases in the above survey.

Detailed information about the survey with links to participate in it is available on the website of the State Scientific Library of Ukraine at the link: bit.ly/3rZHDiW

Sergey Gladkikh