World Poetry Day.

World Poetry Day.

Poetry is a high banner of the soul. It is common to say that poetry is a thickening of thoughts and feelings… .. Ivan Franko called poetry "crystallization" of life; Lina Kostenko writes "Poetry is always unique, a kind of immortal touch to the soul"… Symbolic sign of poetry, as you know, is a winged horse - Pegasus, because "wingedness" - one of its important qualities.

It was on March 21 that the UNESCO General Conference designated World Poetry Day. This holiday has been celebrated since 1999. The decision to establish this holiday was made due to the fact that poetry can help a person solve the most difficult questions. It forms public opinion and at the same time conveys the inner experiences of both the author and readers. UNESCO believes that poetry was and remains the most important part of modern art. Therefore, humanity must learn to appreciate poetic lines and find real wealth in them.

Poetry helps us live together. It is necessary for the establishment of dialogue between cultures and for harmonious interaction between different societies. Encouraging poetic creativity, its dissemination and translation is another factor in promoting cultural diversity, a vital source of inspiration, revived by the living unity of the poet in the multifaceted manifestations of his work.

On the occasion of World Poetry Day, the Director-General of UNESCO called on all Member States, non-governmental organizations and associations to pay tribute to poetry and reflect on the fundamental role it plays in intercultural dialogue - dialogue that is the guarantor of peace.

World Poetry Day is also celebrated in Ukraine. He first appeared in the detachable "Ukrainian People's Calendar" in 2004. There is no answer to the question of what is the secret of poetic magic. Poetry remains a mystery. The more it attracts readers. Even those who shout: "I do not like the poems of all sorts of poets!", Apparently, simply did not read the masterpieces. Otherwise, I would definitely find poets to my liking.

I am Ukrainian!
I am proud and happy
What a native language
I own
Shevchenko's word
I can write
The words are melodic
And compose poems.
I am Ukrainian!
I live in Ukraine,
On the free, the only one
To my homeland,
Where all my joy:
Forests and gardens.
Lakes and rivers,
And deep stakes,
Deer are immeasurable,
And mountains, and valleys,
The color is snow white
In the meadow of viburnum.
Sweet in my soul
The flute is playing,
Because I'm from Ukraine,
Because I am Ukrainian!
O. Vasilenko

One homeland, and two does not happen,
The places where they were born are always holy.
Who forgets his native home,
He will not find that fate in life.

In his native land and the heart sings,
Storks bring us spring from afar.
In his native land and the sky is endless,
Streams, streams, like strings, flow.

Here my mother's song is heard today,
She was picked up by fields and groves.
Her evenings all over Ukraine
They sing in the gardens of the nightingales.

And I fall to her lips,
And I absorb with my heart like a thirsty water.
Without native language, without song,
Without a mother, the land will be impoverished, impoverished forever.
M. Bakaya

Cherry orchard near the house,
Beetles buzz over cherries,
Plowmen with plows go,
Singing walking girls,
And mothers are waiting for dinner.

Family dinner near the house,
The evening star gets up.
Daughter serves dinner,
And the mother wants to teach
So the nightingale does not give.

She put her mother around the house
Their little children;
She fell asleep next to them.
Everything calmed down, only the girls
But the nightingale did not calm down.

- Red viburnum, why are you upset? Singing spring is coming soon.
- From the tears of the mother branches bent, sons are taken away by war.
- Do not cry, do not grieve, anxiety will pass, God forbid this spring, the birds will announce that victory is over and there is no more war…
Like Solomiya Ukrainets

Vladislav Wanda