March 26 Day of the National Guard of Ukraine

March 26 Day of the National Guard of Ukraine

On this day, we honor all the servicemen who serve in the ranks of the National Guard of Ukraine to strengthen the defense and increase the security of our state. The memory of today's and future descendants will forever preserve the exploits of many generations of warriors-defenders, their boundless devotion and love for their homeland, courage and heroism.

Soldiers of the National Guard of Ukraine have sacred words that convincingly define the role and purpose of the national army - to serve the Ukrainian people. At a crucial time, the people always pay special attention to their defenders, for whom serving the people is the highest honor, vocation, duty. The strength and power of the Ukrainian state is in the unity of the army and the people.

We wish you good health, success in military training, peace and harmony in every family, inspiration, inexhaustible vital energy for successful fulfillment of honorable duty to the Fatherland!

Vladislav Wanda