The "Strategy for the Development of Higher Education in Ukraine for 2022-2032" was approved

The "Strategy for the Development of Higher Education in Ukraine for 2022-2032" was approved

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the "Strategy for the Development of Higher Education in Ukraine for 2022-2032".  

Ddocumentin particular provides for the implementation of 5 strategic goals. 

1. Effective management in the higher education system. The following tasks are provided: 

  • increase budget funding and improve the distribution formula by performance; 
  • expansion of budget lending for higher education and adult education; 
  • modernization of the network, consolidation of higher education institutions, support of research universities. 

2. Trust of citizens, the state and business in educational, scientific, innovative activities of higher education institutions. To achieve this goal provides: 

  • expanding the scope of external independent evaluation, targeted placement and competition; 
  • promoting research and business consulting by higher education institutions; 
  • creating conditions for the development of public-private partnership in the field of higher education; 
  • introduction of effective mechanisms for detecting violations of academic integrity and procedures for bringing to academic responsibility. 

3. Ensuring quality educational and scientific activities, competitive higher education, which is accessible to various groups. In order to achieve the strategic goal and the corresponding operational goals, the following tasks are to be performed: 

  • support for national and international academic mobility of students, as well as referrals to foreign universities; 
  • providing special support to residents of the temporarily occupied territories, vulnerable and vulnerable groups; 
  • creating special conditions for entrants with outstanding achievements; 
  • promoting the use of innovative technologies and the latest teaching aids in the educational process, the development of research infrastructures. 

4. Internationalization of higher education in Ukraine. It is planned to provide: 

  • harmonization of the structure of higher education in accordance with the obligations of the member states of the European Higher Education Area; 
  • development of the national qualifications system; 
  • simplification of procedures for recognition of foreign educational qualifications; 
  • transforming security and defense education in line with NATO's doctrinal approaches and principles. 

5. Attractiveness of higher education institutions for study and academic career. To achieve this, the following tasks are performed: 

  • adherence to approaches to student-centered learning in the organization of the educational process; 
  • expansion of cross-entry, joint, interdisciplinary and dual programs, dual and other forms of education; 
  • development of general competencies, legal culture, physical activity, sports and student competitions; 
  • development of management training programs for senior management and promising leaders of higher education institutions (personnel reserve), trainings in support of reforms; 
  • conducting communication campaigns to support reforms in the higher education system, etc. 

The expected result of the Strategy is the creation of a modern effective system of higher education that meets the needs of citizens, economy and society, has a decent reputation and is competitive in the domestic and global market of educational services. 

Tasks and indicators for each operational goal, as well as expected results are presented in an expanded strategic pyramid. 

In addition, the order of the Cabinet of Ministers approved the operational plan for the implementation in 2022-2024 of the Strategy for the Development of Higher Education in Ukraine for 2022-2032. 


STRATEGY for the development of higher education in Ukraine for 2022-2032

According to the materials 

Vladislav Wanda