Round table "The profession of a psychologist in wartime"

Round table "The profession of a psychologist in wartime"

Professional holiday - All-Ukrainian Day of Psychologists, April 23, 2022 - the Department of Psychology GIIM SHEI "DDPU" decided to spend in a circle of colleagues and friends. The round table gathered practical psychologists, consultants, teachers, scientists, heads of departments, applicants for higher education, employees of various levels: secondary schools, penitentiary services, rehabilitation and rehabilitation institutions, NGOs.

During the meeting, a wide range of issues was discussed: how to work in new conditions, how to adapt to them, maintain their own mental health, be able to help clients. Colleagues-psychologists generously shared their findings in the work, experience, demonstrating a high level of skill.

MA Sadova, MD Prof., Chief Research Fellow of the Institute of Gifted Children of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Professor of Political Science, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy consciousness, but also the unconscious.

Yu. O. Sidenko, Candidate of Psychology. n., art. Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Deep Correction and Rehabilitation, Cherkasy National University. Bohdan Khmelnytsky, a practicing psychologist, focused on the peculiarities of using social networks as a way to provide psychological support to clients, noted the development of their own approach to promoting scientific knowledge in society.

VV Sulitsky, Candidate of Psychology. Ph.D., Assoc.

OV Agarkova, practical psychologist of primary school № 53, Odesa, presented the experience of a psychologist of primary school during the war, noted the need for psychological education of parents of primary school children.

The reports provoked a lively discussion and raised a number of issues that a practical psychologist faces during his professional activity.

At the end of the meeting, a surprise awaited the participants - motor exercises to relieve fatigue and emotional stress.

We are sincerely grateful to all participants and colleagues for participating in the round table!

Congratulations to all psychologists of Ukraine on their professional holiday! We wish you inspiration, energy, positive emotions, good health and success!

Vladislav Wanda