Space of emotional communication "Warm environment in HelpCity"

Space of emotional communication "Warm environment in HelpCity"

As usual, on Wednesday evening, 04.05.22, there was an online meeting in HelpCity. This time the emotional conversation united 3rd year students from Toretsk and Bakhmut, and 4th year students from Khmelnytsky and Dnipro.

Neither the distance, nor the conditions of the dormitory, nor the echoes of the cannonade outside the window prevented the joy of seeing, understanding and feeling each other. No matter what, we talked about personal development, growing up and responsibility, the value of childhood, which helps us to be interested in and enjoy the world, to move towards the goal and dream sincerely and desperately, because without it it is impossible to create our own future! Our evening across the border was filled with happiness of unity and gratitude to the Horlivka Institute of Foreign Languages, which gave us all this!

Join!! Every Wednesday and Friday at 18.00 at the link

Create yourself and the world around you!

Contact phone of the meeting organizer: 0505580548, Department of Psychology, GIIM

Vladislav Wanda