Keep in touch!

Keep in touch!

The department of educational work with students works in a regular mode. Every Monday we call our students. 90 percent of our students are online. Every morning and evening we are in touch with them: we communicate, support each other, share information, useful tips. We ask students about their affairs and their lives in different parts of our country and abroad, about the necessary help. Almost all students hold themselves in their hands. Those who need psychological help are actively provided by our practical psychologist. We also negotiate with volunteer centers from different regions of the country and abroad about the necessary humanitarian assistance, paperwork, search for our students with whom we have lost contact for a long time, and more. Children are willing to make contact, share their experiences and emotions. Even the guys who are currently serving in the Armed Forces of Ukraine find time to call us back and tell us about their affairs. The students are very grateful for our moral support. They are also worried about us. Thank you for your care, they wish us patience and a peaceful life, they would even like to award us the Nobel Prize if it were in their power. On the website of the institute we tell about the life of our students during the war.                        

We work closely with the group leaders. We correspond with them separately. They trust us and share secrets. And it's very nice. Touches to the depths of the soul. I want the students to be all right. That our institute family gathered in the native walls.

Vyacheslav Korolev