Mother's Day

Mother's Day

On the second Sunday of May, the International Mother's Day is traditionally celebrated all over the world.

For centuries, history was told by men, but behind every strong warrior stood a woman - his mother. Maternal love and words remain in a person's soul for a lifetime, and we congratulate all mothers and wish that you are always surrounded by caring loved ones, that every day begins with a smile, health does not fail over the years and that you are truly happy .

We bow low to you, MOMS. For your patience, endurance, amazing wisdom and courage, with which you, overcoming the current adversities, maintain faith in tomorrow's best day for your family and friends, for our country. Let all your troubles melt under the rays of the May sun!

When daffodils bloom in the spring,
And the maple reaches to the sky…
Moms, we welcome everyone…
Everyone who has a daughter or a son.

When a storm or war comes,
Then everyone believes, feels with his heart,
What mom asks, prays heaven,
And so he protects his children.

So today, I will be honored
Greetings and wishes to you, mother:
Let it be to your loving hearts
Thanksgiving rain…
And a lot
Health, strength, sun, warmth,
And smiles… Because smiles are in fashion…
So that you, like rivers, can flow again
In the hearts of children, because it is the love of the Lord.

(Nadia Romanovska)

Vyacheslav Korolev