To the attention of entrants to the master's level in OP "Practical Psychology" in GIIM!

To the attention of entrants to the master's level in OP "Practical Psychology" in GIIM!

We would like to inform you that in 2022 it is planned preparation of the master's test of educational competence (MTNK) for admission for specialty 053 "Practical Psychology".

MTNK is a computer online test that will be conducted in special temporary examination centers. MTNK will consist of two components: verbal-communicative and logical-analytical.

There will be everything 33 tasks, including:

- 10 tasks to fill in the gaps in microtext;

- 23 tasks with the choice of one correct answer from four options.

Allocated to the test 75 minutes.

Get acquainted with demonstration version of MTNK and go online you can follow the link:

This year is planned three sessions conducting MTNC:

basic  - from August 10 to August 17;

additional - from September 7 to September 10;

specially organized - September - October (dates to be determined later).

We will inform you about all the organizational aspects related to the compilation of the ITC and the peculiarities of admission to other master's educational programs of our institute later.

Follow the news of the selection committee on our website!

To the attention of entrants to the master's level in OP "Practical Psychology" in GIIM!

We would like to inform you that in 2022 it is planned preparation of the master's test of educational competence (MTNK) for admission for specialty 053 "Practical Psychology".

MTNK is a computer online test that will be conducted in special temporary examination centers. MTNK will consist of two components: verbal-communicative and logical-analytical.

There will be everything 33 tasks, including:

- 10 tasks to fill in the gaps in microtext;

- 23 tasks with the choice of one correct answer from four options.

Allocated to the test 75 minutes.

Get acquainted with demonstration version of MTNK and go online you can follow the link:

This year is planned three sessions conducting MTNC:

basic  - from August 10 to August 17;

additional - from September 7 to September 10;

specially organized - September - October (dates to be determined later).

We will inform you about all the organizational aspects related to the compilation of the ITC and the peculiarities of admission to other master's educational programs of our institute later.

Follow the news of the selection committee on our website!

Vladislav Wanda